Using a kit - and my own wire - I constructed a 20m low pass filter with the clear intention of putting my radio on the air.
The insertion loss was not nearly as high as I had expected - a good thing in my case. The insertion loss was about 0.70dB around 14.3MHz, while the attenuation at 28MHz was over 50dB.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
I woke up this morning with my head spinning. (No, I didn't get drunk last night).
I had a long discussion last night with a fellow VWS member about radio designs and trying to get a kit together as if I had already volunteered. I was so tired, I did not have the defense to argue. He had a lot of good ideas, but he was pushing me to do his design as if it were my own.
I really need to draw the line on that. I am not willing to take on any new designs beyond my own right now. I got a lot of good ideas, but that is why my design is stuck! If a website could feel, I feel like a website that is being overloaded with requests for information and data uploads.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I really need to hit the brakes on volunteering for any kit building designs until I get mine working. I do not have enough time to do any more.
Sorry to my friends at VWS.
I had a long discussion last night with a fellow VWS member about radio designs and trying to get a kit together as if I had already volunteered. I was so tired, I did not have the defense to argue. He had a lot of good ideas, but he was pushing me to do his design as if it were my own.
I really need to draw the line on that. I am not willing to take on any new designs beyond my own right now. I got a lot of good ideas, but that is why my design is stuck! If a website could feel, I feel like a website that is being overloaded with requests for information and data uploads.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I really need to hit the brakes on volunteering for any kit building designs until I get mine working. I do not have enough time to do any more.
Sorry to my friends at VWS.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Updated DDS-60 controller coming. Working on a EIM377 DDS controller.
Just got a nice email from Far Circuits...they are sending me samples of an updated PCB design for interfacing the AMQRP DDS-60 with a PICAXE 28x2 in an RF-friendly PCB. I had to open up some holes and fix some ground clearances. They had to fix some off-center etching issues from the previous design. If these work out, I will definitely send them an order for a full etch of boards in the hope to make a few of them.
My next big project on the DDS front is an RF-friendly interface for the EIM377 DDS controller. For the un-informed, the EIM377 is one of the AD9850-based DDS oscillators that have been selling for prices as cheap as $5 to $10. I bought four of them to play with. As my previous entry indicates, I was able to interface the EIM377 with the PICAXE 28x2. I did add a encoder interface to demo at the VWS club meeting, but it was taken apart again for a new mechanical layout.
I will forward new photos as the units are coming in for construction.
My next big project on the DDS front is an RF-friendly interface for the EIM377 DDS controller. For the un-informed, the EIM377 is one of the AD9850-based DDS oscillators that have been selling for prices as cheap as $5 to $10. I bought four of them to play with. As my previous entry indicates, I was able to interface the EIM377 with the PICAXE 28x2. I did add a encoder interface to demo at the VWS club meeting, but it was taken apart again for a new mechanical layout.
I will forward new photos as the units are coming in for construction.
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